le temps d'une chanson
How To Tell If You Are In A Jane Austen Novel

Someone disagreeable is trying to persuade you to take a trip to Bath.

Your father is absolutely terrible with money. No one has ever told him this.

All of your dresses look like nightgowns.

Someone disagreeable tries to persuade you to join a game of cards.

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@темы: забавности

07.07.2014 в 17:45

The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity.
:lol::lol: я не большой знаток Остин, но даже мне смешно :gigi:
You have become exceedingly ashamed of what your conduct has been
А к Элизабет Беннет это разве применимо? Ей разве было когда-то очень стыдно за то, как она себя вела? Эмме - еще бы, но Лиззи!
08.07.2014 в 22:12

le temps d'une chanson
1000smiles, ну, тут же не только про ГиП, а про все ее произведения)
Вот это явно про Эмму:
A picnic has gone horribly wrong.
А, например, это скорее "Sense& Sensability"
A girl you have only just met tells you a secret, and you despise her for it.